#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Come see the Canton Palace Theatre, a historic staple of Downtown Canton Ohio! ### Title tour.name = Canton Palace Theatre (2) ## Skin ### Button Button_03D37B27_0C7A_63B3_41A1_89572D8C8762.label = INFO Button_0DECFFED_12FA_D26D_419B_F907711405D7.label = BOOK NOW Button_18126A3F_1663_8BEF_41A4_B0EDA1A5F4E3.label = BOOK NOW Button_1CA392FC_0C0A_2295_41A3_18DEA65FB6AD.label = LOCATION Button_207FBBF1_3FE5_9947_41C9_77B566B5E9C1.label = INSTRUCTIONS Button_33E0F47E_11C1_A20D_419F_BB809AD89259.label = CONTACT ### Multiline Text HTMLText_04FFBC2C_1216_7593_41A4_E1B06B145F04.html =
I remember coming to see “The Sound of Music” with my mom and sister when I was in grade school. I was in awe of how big and beautiful it was with all the people there plus the clouds and stars in the sky! I’m proud to be a volunteer there now to keep the Palace Theatre open for more people to enjoy. - Cathy Silski

Awesome memory of the Palace and the movie…
I was one of the screamin’ teens when “A Hard Day’s Night” came to the Palace in ’64. Awesome memory of the Palace and the movie! Saw it 7 times! Next best thing to seeing The Beatles in person. - Inese Freimanis Alvarez

It was magical…
I grew up as a young girl looking forward to walking downtown to the Palace to see a movie. It was magical looking up at the stars in the theater. - Leni Giavasis

It was the fanciest theatre that I had been to…
My first visit to the Palace Theatre was to see “Gone With the Wind” with my best friend Lynda back when we were like in the 8th grade. I thought it was the fanciest theatre that I had been to and it was so neat to see the movie on the giant screen - Alison Blondheim

I hid behind the big red curtain…
I remember having one of my first ballet recitals at the Palace when I was very young (I’m now 25). What I remember most was being too scared to actually perform! Instead, I hid behind the big red curtain, in my sparkly China girl outfit. - Megan Dillon

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Here's what people are saying...

The first time I ever stepped foot onstage was at the Palace Theatre in 1987, when I was just five years old. I performed a ballet routine with four other girls as part of our dance studio’s recital. When it finally came time to perform in front of the audience, they all froze. Except me. I kept dancing the routine I had practiced so hard. (We have the video to prove it!) Since then, the stage has been my home, and I fondly look back on my first moment in the spotlight — at the Palace Theatre.. - Lisa Belopotosky Knight

I remember going to the Palace Theatre as a child with my parents. The first movie I remember seeing was GONE WITH THE WIND. I couldn’t believe how long it was, and I guess I never realized at the time how special the Theatre was. Now, as an adult, this has become clear. During the Theatre’s 80th Anniversary Celebration, one tour group had a special guest. A young man was escorting an older woman in a wheelchair: his great-great-grandmother. She was clearly in poor physical health, but had insisted that he help her get to the Theatre while he was in town, so that she could take the tour.

She had been at the Palace on opening night with her parents, had watched as it was nearly torn down in the 70s, and wanted to see it one more time. She couldn’t get to the balcony, but recollected that she had dated her future husband there, shared their first kiss there, and then brought generations of family there. She cried as the memories of so many good times came rushing back, and I will never forget the change in her initially grumpy teenage grandson as he began to understand what this place had meant to her. - Julia Frankland
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Is there something you’re just dying to know about the Canton Palace Theatre, but have never been able to ask? Click this page, and use our form to submit your question, someone will get back to you within 48 hours.

E-mail: info@cantonpalacetheatre.org
Web: www.cantonpalacetheatre.org
Call: (330) 454-8172
24-hr Event Info: (330) 454-8171
Address: 605 Market Avenue North
Canton, Ohio 44702
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Come visit the:
Historic Canton Palace Theatre.

Located in the heart of the Arts District in Downtown Canton Ohio!

605 Market Avenue North
Canton, Ohio 44702

GPS: 40.8021215, -81.3757887

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The Canton Palace Theatre
Welcome to our Virtual Tour!

Please feel free to take control of this Interactive Virtual Tour at any time!
### Label Label_14F82305_1BED_F1EE_41AD_7A6E6AD00A22.text = The Historic Label_14FBC305_1BED_F1EE_41B3_DAC14B1EE44E.text = Canton Palace Theatre ### Tooltip Image_86265191_A64E_49C8_41C1_6CD9CA202139.toolTip = Created by Urbsee ## Media ### Title panorama_943A6FA0_989C_FAB7_41E1_D7D5C35F9BB8.label = Stage_8k x 4k video_276698E3_3EE5_874B_41C1_D7947553E74B.label = Donnie Rankin - King Kong March ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22BCC162_34E1_783E_41C7_0627945255E6.toolTip = Section E HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22BCD162_34E1_783E_41C9_1A2388347CC7.toolTip = Section B HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22BD5163_34E1_783E_41A7_F9305F949F9E.toolTip = Section A HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22BD6163_34E1_783E_41C6_C67C71E160BA.toolTip = Section C HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22BDA163_34E1_783E_41B7_91BD78DB8422.toolTip = Watch Video! HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22BDB163_34E1_783E_418A_6AC50EB1C94C.toolTip = Section D HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22BDE163_34E1_783E_41C0_C65E797C2101.toolTip = Balcony Seats ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_22BC9162_34E1_783E_41C8_76331C3E6E1C.source = https://cantonpalacetheatre.org/contact-us/ LinkBehaviour_22BCE162_34E1_783E_41A9_F9DDBFB9446D.source = https://cantonpalacetheatre.ticketforce.com/ LinkBehaviour_22BD0163_34E1_783E_41C8_93F9411AEB37.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_22BD7163_34E1_783E_41C6_BB3506D28A35.source = //www.youtube.com/embed/i_AnXdXdjl4?t=22 LinkBehaviour_22BD8163_34E1_783E_41C5_9EF45E816FF7.source = https://cantonpalacetheatre.org/contact-us/ LinkBehaviour_22BDF163_34E1_783E_41C7_F3C5976D257E.source = https://cantonpalacetheatre.org/contact-us/